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Friday, July 06, 2007

To Stink, or Not to Stink…Do I Care? (Part 2)

Stinking by your self is no big deal. I don’t want to stink, but I may not get around to showering, or I may need to run an errand before I can shower, or I figure that showering late at night is a waste of time. If you don’t understand my reasoning, I’ll give an example to compare: Would you make your bed at night knowing you are going to sleep in it again within a short time? No, cause you would be crazy insane if you wasted your time doing so. I figure, if you don’t make your bed in the morning, then it would be pointless to make it right before you go to bed. Whether I believe in “making my bed” or not is a story for another time.

I will not leave the house if I smell bad beyond a 2 foot radius around me (No one should be standing and talking to you within 2 ft of your armpits; close talkers beware). You might ask, “How can you gauge that?” Well, I’m glad you asked that question, because I am excited to tell you the answer. Skillz. I’m just that good. Others of you may need a second party to help you out. As you have a friend give you the okay, just remember that you have to gauge the stench based on the amount of time you will be out and about. Plus, on top of this you need to consider the temperature and the vigor of the activity you may be participating in. You are not just thinking about the stench radius before you leave the house, you are considering how much your stench will increase as you are in public. Anything past a 2 foot radius of stench and you become socially unacceptable. Basically, you can no longer interact with others and not offend them in an acceptable way.

Here is a graph to show the activity to time ratio. I did not have a 3D graphing program to throw in the third variable of temperature. But I guessed it to be around the figures that the red line depicts.

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Remember, it’s not bad if you don’t shower every day, is it?


At 7:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your graphical representation of personal hygiene is inspiring. As someone who struggles lately with being identified by smell alone, I am truly in your debt. I bow to my sensei.

At 3:14 PM, Blogger Michael said...

You know. I have never once noticed you looking dirty or smelling. Maybe we don't hang out enough of maybe it is just a testament that your theory is correct.

At 2:08 PM, Blogger B-rad said...

Any time I find myself showering for the 2nd time in a single day. I wonder what failure to plan led me there. I need to study you're graph so I can avoid that in the future.

I also feel like I've made a fatal error if I ever find myself purchasing a sandwich from a vending machine.


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