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Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Explosion of mouse funtasticness

Yesterday, I was at my friend’s house, Kell, and I was working on her wireless network when I noticed something scurry past my feet along the sofa. I have to say that I got a little excited. Kell was just telling me that she thought there was another mouse in the house, but I said “I highly doubt it.” Not but two weeks ago she caught a mouse in a trap. This new mouse had tripped one trap already and escaped, so I was excited for the challenge of the hunt.

I called Kell and her roomy downstairs to help hunt the little guy/girl/chude down. The mouse was under the sofa. After about 5 minutes of it dashing quickly from one place to the next we finally got it into the open in the kitchen and I smashed it against the wall with a broom. From there we transfer the thing into a clear plastic container, and then to a double lined brown lunch sack.

There is history to the paper lunch sack. Once upon a time, not too long ago, I owned a snake (Columbian boa). Mice were its staple diet. Mice tend to bite the snake when it is squeezing the life out of the mouse, so I found a way to stun the mouse. The way was to smack the mouse against a wall while it was in a paper lunch sack. Please do not think this to be cruel, cause trust me, it’s not. Mice suck!

Anyhow, I tried this with the mouse we caught and I made the mistake of hitting the sack, with mouse inside, too hard against the wall and the mouse exploded and then exploded from the sack. One too many explosions! Blood splatted everywhere. A large drop nailed me right in the middle of my forehead and the kitchen was tainted from wall to floor.

This is pretty much what it looked like; but not a cartoon and its guts were hanging out like in the pic.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

So, to make a long story short I got the wireless running and everyone lived happily ever after.


At 9:43 AM, Blogger Kelly said...

next time you decide to play whack-a-mouse, bring a hazmat team.

At 8:57 PM, Blogger Lori said...

You might have the hunta virus. Gross. You Kung Fu master. You don't even know your own strength. Kelly should move you up a belt color for that.

At 10:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

seriously gross. so so gross. i just threw up a little bit in my mouth.

At 3:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happily ever after? i'm traumatized now! my therapist says i need hypnotherapy now. seems the mouse frappe incident brought up some deep repressed memories. could take decades he said. I'll send you the bill. -Kate (the roomy)

At 10:19 AM, Blogger B-rad said...

Did you measure the furthest distance that the guts splattered?

If it beats my friends record you just may have the raw talent to compete in Kazakhstan's National sport.

Let me know and I'll make a call to a friend of mine there. His names Korat, but he's become quite famous because of obvious confusion with Borat


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