No weaklings here! Only masters of the mind who understand life and are on the path to true enlightenment are meant to visit this page. If you do not fall under this description, you should turn back because your weakness is not wanted. "You, Weaklings" have nothing to offer. All unweakened ones are welcome!

Friday, July 06, 2007

To Stink, or Not to Stink…Do I Care? (Part 1)

Tomorrow I’m going back home to Cali for a few days. Before I leave, I thought I would write about a little somethin’ that relates to the previous topic.

Some days, I just don’t shower. I’m not shy about it. It's a simple fact. I don’t shower every day and it’s not because I'm trying to save water or because I hate to shower. The reason changes as does the weather.

I guess there are two questions that should be asked in order to properly understand my reasoning:

1. Do I need to shower?

2. Should I shower?

I’ll answer the questions respectively: Maybe and yes. See, I know that I should shower at least once a day. Put yourself in my shoes for a second: I work from home, most days I don’t have to leave my house, I wear deodorant and I wash my clothes regularly. Deodorant and clean clothes are key to smelling not bad. Showering is only necessary every other day if you have those two things done properly. I give you time to experience my life for a few seconds before you go on reading…

Okay start again.

If a tree falls in a forest and nobody is around to hear it, does it make a sound? I think you smell what I’m stepping in.


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