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Friday, November 17, 2006

Time change this!

Arizona knows what’s up…almost. I don’t know or care who made the decision that Arizona would not conform to this time change thing, but it’s nice to know that one state has things almost together. I say “almost” because this time of year things are too crazy with the lack of sunlight during the useful part of the day. Who cares if the sun is up at 6:00 or 7:00 in the morning! I can’t remember the last time I was up that early, but I do know that it was before this last time change.

My life just has not been the same since the time “fell back” - Up is down, and night is day. I can’t seem to get to bed before 4 or 5 in morning. It feels like I should be awake during the night and asleep during the day. How much daylight is there right now anyway, like 8 hours?! I don’t actually know, but I think that is a solid guess. I miss the summer nights lasted like 5 hours and it was daylight the rest of the time. Asking for summertime all the time is too much, but please, can’t we move daylight to end around 6:30PM, since no one cares about it being in the butt-crack early morning hours. I am just asking for my hour to stay where it was when it “sprung forward”.

On top of it all, I feel like I was duped by people telling me that the time change makes sense. At this point, hearing people say “but think about the hour you’ll save!” I don’t see the excitement in this statement. I’m still ticked about the hour I lost the 6 months before. Statements like that remind me of people telling me that my tax return is like free money. Yeah, free money that I work for. Don’t get me started on the tax program!

Arizona, move your time up an hour and we’re talkin’ business. For the rest of the nation that believes in time change - stop kidding yourself and accept the fact that time does not change. Stop messing with my life stupid time change!

PS-Thanks for bringing this issue to my understanding Jim. Haha, Jim!


At 11:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen! Now you're talking. We just need a plan to somehow convert UT back to "spring forward" time (permanently). We also need some more people to jump on our just-leave-the-time-where-it-flippin'-should-be bandwagon. If you agree, speak up--we can change this thing. If not...well you can sit in your dark houses at 4:00 in the afternoon and enjoy it!

At 12:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really, the time we are in now is the normal time. It is during the summer that we mess with the time. We get spoiled with sunlight that when we go back to normal time we feel gypped. DST all began as a way to conserve energy, so that the natural sunlight coordinated better with the hours most people are awake, lessening the need for electricity. Arizona, with hotter temperatures than most states, opted to disregard DST because it would mean that air conditioners would have to run longer than they would normally and use more energy.

I like the idea that we should be on summer time throughout the whole year. Who cares if it is dark in the morning? You're either at work or at school (or still sleeping). I want the light when I can be out doing things. Where is the petition; I'll sign!

At 5:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, let me tell you something mister. Some people LIKE the dark. The dark brings a lot of good things, like the ability to sneak around without being noticed and the strange but true phenomenon of better judgment decreasing in proportion to the amount of light in any given place. This allows for all sorts of things, like kissing girls an hour earlier while their judgment is down, so I can still hit the sack by 1am. Nobody likes having to stay up until 5am for the "I-can't-remember-did-we-make-out-last-night" make out.
Now that's just ONE positive of an earlier sunrise. I think you just have an extreme hatred towards dark. You need to realize that the dark has much to offer too. With your obvious bias, we wouldn't have things like dark chocolate. I don't even want to mention the obvious racial connotation which is implied by your blog. And let's not forget why someone would be disappointed. Some people like dark bananas.

At 11:01 AM, Blogger B-rad said...

I find I get more back rubs if it’s dark. Plus, I'm much better looking in the dark. My features were never meant to be viewed in broad daylight. I'm like that person at the dance that you flirt with all night, but when they flip on the lights its like Surprise! but not in an "it’s your birthday surprise" way it’s more of an "ahhh, you see dead people surprise."

Although I hate getting out of class and its dark. I bet there's people out their with enough money and influence (The Queen, The Vatican, Kernel Sanders, etc.) that they could change the time to whatever they want; however, I'm guessing most of them look better in the dark too. Curse Bill Gates and Curse all the halfings with political power.

At 5:07 PM, Blogger Kelly said...

i'll time change you . . . where have you been all my life? i'm kind of all in favor of a permanent fall back - i like the extra hour. but somehow we've got to get days to stay long - i like my 14 hours of daylight. and while you are at it, would you mind creating a permanent 4-day work week? oh yeah, and i also want clean burning renewable energy for everyone, two official holidays per month, world peace and a pony.

At 2:21 PM, Blogger B-rad said...


I think if you become rich, like Bill Gates, that you should buy a tropical island where its always sunny and the whole island could be devoted to peace, ponies, and a four day work week.

That would be sweet cuz I could totally conquer your island! I would invade on everyone's day off. Plus Ponies are no match for an Apache!

At 1:39 PM, Blogger B-rad said...

Speaking of "Time change this!" I think its time you change up your blog by adding a post. I know I don't keep up mine, but this is the first chance I've ever had to call someone else on it.

At 9:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i've got a time change for ya . . .

At 11:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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